Saturday, May 31, 2008

Eye Candy I.

This blog like a bit too holy-moly rite? To balance things out a 'lil, here's a random picture:

So cute.

Quite Nice.

Friday, May 30, 2008


Highlights of the day:
Getting to drive an awesome car (possibly the one and only time.)

Lowlights of the day:
Where do I even begin.

Anyways! Went to a friend's cell yesterday and was bowled over by the sheer discomfort I experienced in the presence of a group of total strangers. Ha! At a certain point, I even whipped out the oldest trick in the book - and started text messaging no one in particular.

Sad case. (
Hey I tried! I tried my best to look "open" to conversations, but apparently no one was interested.)

Ha. But still good! Never underestimate the importance of cell and strong Christian fellowship... so hang in there guys! Don't allow the impending exams to become an excuse for you to miss cell!

(I miss you guys. Haven't actually been visiting the cell blog much cause it's a bit depressing. Ha. Will be keeping you all in prayer! Study hard and pray hard!)

(Oh BTW! Isaiah! I meant to reply via mail but was working today and went out after that so didn't get the chance to do so. But yea! Maybe next week?)


Thursday, May 29, 2008

1 Chro 28:9

"As for you, my son Solomon, know the God of your father, and serve Him with a whole heart and a willing mind; for the LORD searches all hearts, and understands every intent of the thoughts. If you seek Him, He will let you find Him; but if you forsake Him, He will reject you forever."

Monday, May 26, 2008

The Show Must Go On.

Attended a family function yesterday and thankfully, survived. Granted, much of the evening was spent with me shuttling from room to room trying to look busy, sitting in the corner trying to look busy, and attempting to subtly wrestle the Wii controller from my toddler nephew. Sometime in between all these, I managed to cram in other productive activities such as:
  1. Getting trashed at some DJ-ing game on the PSP
  2. Attempting to read a Chinese magazine
  3. Flinging the magazine, along with the PSP against the wall in frustration.

Fun stuff indeed.

Onto other things... Not sure of it's as acutely felt down under, but the local media have in recent days, been dominated by news about the Sichuan quake and Cyclone Nargis. Honestly, I feel quite disconnected with the ever increasing numbers (of casualties) reported daily. Maybe it's cause I've been religiously avoiding all those fund-raising special on TV (emotional blackmail)? Anyway, it's hard to remain optimistic in times like this. The mom was saying how there's no god, nor angels. How to explain the sufferings otherwise?

But I beg to differ. Yesterday morning, pastor preached about the need for us to have Faith in God. But this is a different kind of Faith, he called it "fidelity" or something like that. It's not a blind belief but a fierce loyalty and trust in the inherent goodness of God.

Nothing too abstract, but still highly challenging. Can you trust in Him even if nothing good ever happens? I don't wanna act intellectual and all pseudo philosopher-ish (philosophy seems... redundant, at least in my undiscerning and probably under-developed mind), but then really, what is good anyway? What seems good to us may not be good in His eyes, right? At the end of the day I guess we all need to go back to Rom 8:28, and remember (+ believe) that truly, "ALL things work together for good to those who love God..."

So while "the world is burning to the ground" (Cynic, 2008), let's continue to be thankful for the little blessings we have, and trust that He is still faithful and of course, inherently good. And, work at cultivating that "fierce loyalty" towards our loving Father.

Step 1: Pray, more.


"The Year of Living Biblically".

I'm sure idle gossipers are wondering what on earth have I been doing with my time in exile. Rest assure I've been filling my days with substantive and meaningful activities. In between long naps, and time between my favorite TV shows, I've kept myself occupied with A.J. Jacobs' (in his own words) "...humble quest to follow the bible as literally as possible...".

That pretty much sums up the entire book, which is essentially a diary of this man's journey through all the laws in the bible, as he attempts to the best of his ability (the part about stoning adulterers is really quite lol-inducing) to obey every single one of them.

I'm tempted, but I shall refrain from saying more lest I taint your perceptions with regards to the book. But if you have the time, and money to spare, do read it! Not because it'll make you pump your fists in the air and resolve to be a better Christian, but because it's really quite funny, and offers a different perspective to the bible that we think we know.

I reckon it makes me appreciate the bible more.

(By the way, in case it's not obvious enough, the title of the book is "The Year of Living Biblically".)

Monday, May 19, 2008

Hello, is it me you're looking for?

I know. I disappeared for a bit. But assuredly I say to you... even when I was m.i.a... lovely thoughts about my much treasured friends were never too far away. So I sure hope that likewise in your minds, I'm neither forgotten not forsaken.

Anyways, if I wanted this to sound like a postcard, I'd have sent an email so let's move on to other things!

Singapore... is simply... too crowded. You'd think that with the huge-ass number of shopping centers, there will be at least one that's less crowded to relek one corner and shake leg right? Wrong. There are people everywhere. (Save for ulu as hell places like Ginza Plaza which has since been shut down.)

But all's good. The frequency of me getting honked at whilst driving is getting progressively less... either that, or I haven't been driving as much. Haha. But seriously man... 1 month on and I find myself getting into mini road rages. Once, I (very self-righteously if I must add) honked at this pedestrian guy for crossing the road recklessly or something... only to have my passenger inform me that it's actually my fault. Throw face man, some more I honked like, damn loud.

Ha. I've never honked at anyone since then.

It's times like these when I realize how much I miss Perth. The serenity of the place and the gracious drivers. And of course, friends who know I drive badly and still are willing to ride with me. (Unless they don't have a choice of course.)

Alrights! I'm gonna go watch TV now. Elton John birthday special on Channel 5. Haha... hey! It's a public holiday! The streets are bound to be crowded like mad. So I'm better off staying home and erm, watch TV specials on aging gay crooners celebrating their birthday.

Will update on last week's sermon soon! It's simply awesome!

Love love!