Monday, June 30, 2008


Oh my goodness. I'm already counting down. Would it be too much to watch anime at work?


Thursday, June 26, 2008


So many many wants...

Career (ya, I mean academic)
Cozy apartment
Cash (and lots of it)


... and Christ!


Alright! I'm done with the immature rant. Here's a song from long ago, a blast from the past if you must. :D Can't find it on imeem for some reason. Maybe coz it's that old. Oldie, but still a goodie.

Ok ok! Enough with the rhymes. Here you go!

Clickety Click!

Monday, June 23, 2008


Hmm. When did Zhang Zhen Yue turn into Ali G? Nevertheless, in my eyes at least, he can do no wrong (ZZY, not Ali G).

I must have listened to this song at least 15 times at work today. Dedicated to all my dearly missed. :)

(I seriously don't get the MTV tho'. Next time, just film like, a prolonged close up of ZZY and a few seconds of the female singer. Much better.)

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

"Ken Lee"

"...tulibu dibu douchoo..."


(Maybe I shoudn't be so quick to laugh. I probably did the same thing when I forgot my lyrics.

Monday, June 16, 2008


I love iGoogle. I really do! I adore the nifty little widgets, and the hundreds of themes you can choose. I'm currently using this absolutely fantabulous one by Edward Monkton. It's so quirky- cute you won't believe it. And my Astroboy Clock! Where do I even begin?

But what I like the most is my "Reminders From God" widget. It's uncanny how it never fails to speak to me. Just recently, I've been wondering (for lack of a better word) about some God-related issues - nothing too stumbling, but a roadblock nonetheless. So I bought books, read articles online etc. all in the hope of straightening out these kooks. But nothing really answered me more than today's reminder:

"It is not the arguments of theologians that solve the problem of a questioning heart, but the cry of that heart to Me and the certainty that I have heard."

Wah, machiam really answering me can? And this is just one of several similar instance ok? My beloved friends (
and some not so beloved), I tell you man, God is ultra high tech. Ha! Fancy speaking through the internet. Who needs a burning bush right?

Ok. So go get iGoogle you guys! I promise you'll love it as much as I do!

Friday, June 13, 2008

To the second best sister in the world.

(A Very Impromptu Poem)

I could write you a poem
I could sing you a song.
Maybe bake you a cake
or cook up a storm.

We could reminisce good old days
or look forward in time,
all whilst making sure
these words of mine rhyme

But take away this fancy talk
and the talking cock,

You'll get a birthday greeting so behind the clock,
(but nonetheless guaranteed to make your heart rock
with glee and adoration)

that tho' nowhere close to perfection,
is nonetheless filled with all my love and affection.

Happy belated 22nd!


It's a bit, oh alright! Very late. But don't worry, I will make up for it with an awesome gift. Ha-dy HaHA!

(You know, I had planned to post a picture of Meiri-Chan saying "Happy Birthday" or something, but horrors! It's gone! I think mummy accidentally gave it to Ayesha. So... too bad. It's in Sri Lanka now, gone from us forever. And ever.)

Alright! I'm counting down already, and preparing the spare room for you (now that Ayesha is gone). Ha!

Lots of love from the best sister in the world!

(Btw, I should probably not ask this here but just in case I forget, could you bring my retainers home? Thanks! I'm still the best sister yea?)

Monday, June 2, 2008

Eye Candy II.

My new mouse which I bought while "working" today. Can you tell? It's meant to be a racing car. Ha.

Fine. It's nothing spectacular, ha. I just needed a new (
and workable) mouse, and I like the red wire*. I'm gonna christen it... "Speed". (:

* Sounds darn bimbotic... "Oooh look! Red wire... wahhhhh..." *Goes googly-eyed*