Thursday, July 10, 2008

Lookie Lookie Here...

To the one or two people (apart from myself) who still reads this blog:

Congratulations for coming thus far. You've won yourself (yourselves) my eternal friendship (priceless, by the way) + the pass to my new blog.

If you're interested to know why, I'm forsaking this space only coz' Blogger is a pain in the ass and Xanga has more street cred.

I lie. It's actually mostly to do with the fact that Blogger has limited templates and I'm superficial that way.

Haha. But I promise more frequent updates and definitely more interesting contents.

And of coz, a nicer design.

Cya in a bit!

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Found this somewhere.

"The faith of the head is the faith that is dead;
The faith of the heart is better in part;
But the faith of the hand is the faith that will stand,
For the faith that will do must include the first two"

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Is it just me?

45 minutes after arriving at the office and I'm immensely overwhelmed by a strong urge to just pack up and go home.

I hope that's normal.

Monday, June 30, 2008


Oh my goodness. I'm already counting down. Would it be too much to watch anime at work?


Thursday, June 26, 2008


So many many wants...

Career (ya, I mean academic)
Cozy apartment
Cash (and lots of it)


... and Christ!


Alright! I'm done with the immature rant. Here's a song from long ago, a blast from the past if you must. :D Can't find it on imeem for some reason. Maybe coz it's that old. Oldie, but still a goodie.

Ok ok! Enough with the rhymes. Here you go!

Clickety Click!

Monday, June 23, 2008


Hmm. When did Zhang Zhen Yue turn into Ali G? Nevertheless, in my eyes at least, he can do no wrong (ZZY, not Ali G).

I must have listened to this song at least 15 times at work today. Dedicated to all my dearly missed. :)

(I seriously don't get the MTV tho'. Next time, just film like, a prolonged close up of ZZY and a few seconds of the female singer. Much better.)

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

"Ken Lee"

"...tulibu dibu douchoo..."


(Maybe I shoudn't be so quick to laugh. I probably did the same thing when I forgot my lyrics.